Christmas is a time of year when we yearn for home. “I’ll be home for Christmas” and “home for the holidays” are refrains we often hear this time of year. The eternal longing that we have to be “home” is something that we feel viscerally during the holidays and Jesus spoke to that yearning. He promised to prepare a place for us, that he would make His home in us, and that we could find respite in Him. Join us as we learn together how to prepare Him room as we continue our 4th season of messages in our study in the Gospel of John.
For over 2,000 years, followers of Jesus have been gathering together as what we call the church. But what’s it all about? Why do...
In our latest series for the Christmas season and Advent, we've been taking a closer look at John 1 and some different aspects of...
"Our series on the Gospel of John continues as we dive into a new season of messages in the book, Signs of Life. When...