In our 2020 Christmas series, Comfort & Joy, we'll explore the kind of joy that grounds us in a grace-filled past and a glorious future. This year, let's be reminded of what God has done for us in becoming flesh, and that we're being pursued and loved by the King. This weekend's message is entitled The Thrill of Hope from Luke 2:22-33 with Josh Rose, Teaching Pastor.
REASON[ABLE]: Defending Faith in an Age of SkepticismWe all have questions. Can we really trust the Bible? Why does God allow suffering? What’s the...
It's the only thing recorded in the gospels that the disciples ask Jesus to teach them to do. It was recited by the early...
Pastor Dave Hook continues our series on prayer, RAISE YOUR VOICE: Speaking Vertically in a Volume-Obsessed World. His sermon this weekend is entitled Send...